What do Zen meditation and tea have in common?
Right now I am at our small holiday house by the Murray River in South Australia for the weekend. It is autumn and the weather is cold and crisp, yet sunny and still. What a perfect combination for walking by the riverside, relaxing indoors with a great book, communing with nature, cooking, meditating, writing and more.
I love it here this time of the year, because the usual summer busyness of people and boats and jet skis is gone and all I can hear is the twittering of the little honeyeaters as they flit from bush to bush and the deep guttural grunts from the pelicans floating on the river.
It is here that I notice how my body relaxes and muscles soften, my mind quietens and stops racing and my breathing and heart beat become slow, even and gentle. I feel relaxed, present and connected.
Have you ever had that experience when taking a break?
This is the zone of zen– a ‘relaxation and being in the present moment’ style meditation experience.
Yet we do not need to take a holiday to give ourselves the gift of zen. With a little bit of awareness, we can easily practice zen in our daily living.
One of my favourite ways is to treat myself to a delicious cup of herbal tea (my preferences are lemon balm, chamomile or green tea to support the relaxation process). As I sit and slowly sip the tea savouring the warmth, the smell and the flavour, I let myself relax and fully enjoy the moment.
In just 15 minutes I can often feel like my world has been restored to right.
If you are a beginner meditator this is a great way to start your meditation practice, without the pressure of having to sit in a particular position or to stop your thoughts. You can simply be present in the moment with a cup of tea. And if you are a regular and practised meditator, it is another wonderful opportunity to deepen your experience of being in the now.
Meditation connects the dots between body, mind and spirit and empowers you to tap into greater relaxation, realisation, revitalisation, reflection, and reverence. Rediscover the peace that is always inside of you.
Start today!