Posts in Human Design
Jennifer T Human Design

Thank you Cynthia for sharing your HD knowledge, it was very insightful and valuable. The examples you shared are helpful and you did a great job at breaking down the concepts in a way that is easy for me to understand myself better and understand how I can utilise my strengths and energy to my advantage. Your reading illustrates your level of wisdom and life experience.

-Jennifer T.

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Verna M

Thank you for helping me to understand my own HD chart and more importantly, explain my strategy in a way that made sense to me. I resonated with a lot of the information and details that you shared which helped confirm my feeling that I am taking the right steps towards aligning with my Life and Soul purpose. You actually gave me information which helped explain blocks I have been experiencing more recently giving me a moment of ‘the penny dropping’. I feel I needed this session to add to my experience as I continue on this path to personal and spiritual growth and development and for that I am very grateful and appreciative.

-Verna M.

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Human DesignAlana Jade
Vivian Auburn

“I was guided to Cynthia by my spiritual guides in that I was a chosen contestant winner of her gift. Her intuitive talents along with the individual human design she does-- gave her an excellent view into my life purpose and who I am as a person. She was amazingly accurate and in detail--without not knowing anything about me!!! She was able to validate for me that I am definitely on the right path and also giving details to enhance my physical well-being. I am always guided by spirit and have no doubt that this was spiritually guided for the validations and also for the information that Cynthia has given me to complete my dream!! And then there's the icing on the cake so to speak with Cynthia's beautiful meditation designed just for me! Thank you Cynthia for your caring, intuitive and compassionate view you generously offer with your gift!!“

-Vivian Aubin Alberta, Canada

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Human DesignAlana Jade
Alexi L Human Design

“So glad I got a HD reading with Cynthia! It is rare to talk to someone who really gets you on a deep level. Cynthia was able to pinpoint my strengths, strategy I must follow and how to deal with challenges. She also gave a precious business advice and after the reading became my trusted advisor on business strategy.”

Alexi L.

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