Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a dynamic bodywork technique that can be applied remedially or holistically. It is relatively gentle and can be very relaxing. It empowers the body's own healing resources to achieve balance and harmony, and is very beneficial for pain and discomfort, chronic and acute injuries, stress release and relaxation. It is safe to use on any person from newborns to the elderly.


The specific rolling cross-fibre Bowen moves are largely based on Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, acupressure-points and myofascial trigger points. These moves act on the body’s connective tissue systems (fascia) via the muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves which sends neurological responses to the brain stimulating the self-healing and relaxation response of the Autonomic Nervous System. Read more here.

I first discovered Bowen Therapy in 2001 after struggling with a debilitating neck issue for many months. I had tried a range of therapies, but it was only after having Bowen Therapy that the problem improved and eventually disappeared completely. I became so passionate about this technique that in 2011 I became a nationally accredited Bowen Therapist trained in Smart Bowen techniques.


conditions that respond well to bowen

Whilst Bowen is not a panacea for all ills, these are the conditions that I have personally seen respond well to Bowen:

  • Upper and lower back problems

  • Digestive and bowel problems

  • TMJ problems and vertigo

  • Migraines and other types of headaches (caused by sinus or allergy issues)

  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder (including frozen shoulder), elbow, and wrist problems

  • Knee, shin and ankle problems

  • Groin pain

  • Repetitive strain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow

  • Stress relief, anxiety, sleeplessness.

Clients have also reported increased energy, improved mobility, improved circulation, lymphatic drainage and detoxification and improved general wellbeing.

Please note, I remain in the room at all times and only stop for very short breaks.

Also available Bowen Chakra Therapy and Bowen Emotional Release Therapy. Find out more here.


Number of sessions

The number of sessions needed depends on a wide variety of factors including your health, age, injury, body, activity levels, and stress levels.  In my experience 3-6 sessions, one per week, generally supports the body to integrate changes. 

For many clients 3 sessions are all that is necessary for a complete recovery whilst for others suffering from chronic pain or severe stress (eg daily living), 3-6 sessions may only be the foundation. It is all dependant on your unique health and situation.

Some clients, once recovered, continue to enjoy regular maintenance sessions every two, four or six weeks to ensure good health and wellbeing.


Rates / Pricing

Initial session (up to 90 minutes)


Follow up sessions (60 minutes)


If a session extends by up to 15 minutes there is no extra fee

Health rebates no longer available due to Federal Government changes.

Bowen TherapyAlana Jade