Energy Balancing

Energy Balancing

The idea of humans being made of energy is not a new idea. For centuries energy healers have worked with the life force. Nowadays science has jumped on board. Quantum Physics, a new science, states that mass and energy are interchangeable and consequently mass is merely a manifestation of energy.  This means that everything, including the body, is simply energy stored in mass particle form.

If you have any doubt you are an energy being, then watch Dr Jill Bolte Taylor in her video My Stroke of Insight,  a 19 minute presentation where Jill describes how she views reality after a stroke blocks her analytical thinking. It is a fascinating story.


My own life changed after an energy balance in the early 90’s. Just one hour of energy work and it seemed like my world had turned. I went from wanting a TV or radio on all day everyday to finding sounds uncomfortable and requiring silence. It was during this silent time which lasted for nearly a year that I began to explore new concepts, ideas and beliefs and move towards a healthier lifestyle that was more in alignment with my own inner truth. Whilst many energy balances can be this impactful, most are subtle and change occurs over time.


how it works

An energy session stimulates the life force, or the life flow, in and around the body, providing movement and balance where there may be excessive, deficient or obstructed energy. Results can include a better mental or emotional outlook, less pain, improved health and wellbeing or a deeper spiritual connection. 


Just as there are many types of physical bodywork tools available, the same occurs with energy work. Sessions may focus on individual energy systems such as chakras, meridians, auras or nadis or may work on rebalancing the whole field. Light touch, non-touch or a mixture of both may also be used. 


As I am trained in a variety of energy practices, my goal is always to work with you based on your sensitivities and requirements. Each session begins with a check-in to determine where you are seeking balancing and healing. Then the session begins and, as your intention for improved energy flow builds and my intention and intuition as a conduit for Universal Energy combines, a field of healing space is created. This is the sacred space where blocked or stagnant energies can be released and energy pathways opened.


It is always important to rest and relax after a balance, as well as to drink lots of water. This will allow any changes to be fully integrated. 


Rates / Pricing

initial session (up to 90 minutes)


follow up sessions (60 minutes)


If a session extends by up to 15 minutes there is no extra fee.

Regular sessions can be beneficial if dealing with long-term issues.


Types of energy balancing


During each deeply relaxing session, I simply lay my hands lightly on or above your body and gently radiate Life force energy.  The Reiki energy naturally flows where it is required re-charging your energy field and raising frequency. Reiki is a powerful healing technique that is said to be over 2,500 years old.  Rediscovered in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui it is now used world-wide. The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words: Rei, meaning “God’s wisdom or the higher power” and Ki, meaning “life force energy”.



Attunement means  at one with, in tune with, in union with. Attunement was founded in 1929 by Lloyd Arthur Meeker. Attunement energy is an opportunity to be in union with or to align directly with the powerful energy of Universal Love. Attunement is non-touch and primarily balances the endocrine gland system, energetically nourishing those 7 powerful ductless glands and restoring harmony and wellbeing on all levels.


Chakra Balancing

The word “chakra” from Sanskrit text translates to “wheel” or “disk,” and refers to energy centres of the body. There are seven major chakras along the spine, and through the neck and the crown of your head.  When these flow freely harmony exists between the body mind and spirit.  There are many different techniques to balance chakras including Reiki, Attunement, Healing Touch, Bowen or intuitive balancing.   


Bowen Chakra

As the seven major chakras or energy centres are largely located along the spine, and connect with seven major nerve plexus and seven bands or straps of tissue that enfold the body, specific and precise Bowen moves to the body can improve the communication between the energy flow of the chakras and the movement of that energy as it is disseminated to the body via the fascia and its connections.  This is gentle touch work and is very relaxing.


Bowen Emotional Release Therapy

“Imagining the fascia as liquid crystal flowing into every cell and nucleus in the body, we can sense its extreme sensitivity/receptivity to our insides and emotions. Metaphysically we know unexpressed emotions of the past can become locked in our tissues and organs; the fascia then would undoubtedly retain physical trauma, memories, scars, pain and stress.” (reference)

Using a combination of muscle testing, Emotional Stress Release (ESR) and Bowen bodywork on the fascia, emotional patterns that have become stuck in body tissue causing pain, tension and even dis-ease, can be released. Increased movement and life energy results and body mind and spirit experience greater harmony.


Meridian Balancing Massage

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a form of alternative medicine that originated in China, meridians are invisible energy pathways or channels that run through the body. Our vital life force energy, is thought to flow along these meridians, and anything that disrupts the smooth flow of this energy or “chi” is said to cause illness. Muscle testing indicates which meridians are disrupted and then acupressure points are stimulated to restore balance. Treatment is very relaxing and restorative.