Human Design


“The journey of life is about discovering the true you and courageously creating a life that is in alignment with your authentic self. That is the nature of personal growth and evolution on this planet.” ― Karen Curry, Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are

Do you long to know your life purpose, your soul purpose?  Do you feel like you are here to fulfil a destiny?  Are you searching for more meaning in your life?  Have you ever wondered if you are living your most fulfilling life?

Your life purpose and your soul purpose are part of the mystery (mystery = my-story) of being you – the specific theme that your spirit has come here to express as your authentic self.  

This mystery is the story of the hero (you) from birth through to death.  It is filled with drama, villains, twists and turns, false starts and challenges.  It is also filled with adventure, hope, growth, learning, and joy.  We are by nature designed to be the hero of our own unique story.


However, through daily living on this planet it is easy to lose sight of our own inner mystery, the special story we are here to share with the world.  From childhood we are taught to seek the meaning of our story from the external world – the ideas and perspectives of our parents and teachers, the government, religion and our culture.  We can become conditioned by THEIR stories and may lose sight of our own.

But what if there is a way to remember the mystery, the beauty and the power of your own story uncovering all the attributes and talents you have brought into this incarnation and discovering what you are truly here to be?

This is where Human Design can support you.


how it works

Human Design is made up of your unique chart based on your time of birth, place of birth and date of birth.  It is a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu Chakra System, Judaic Kabbalah and quantum physics. It does not predict your future, but rather informs you of your potential and the challenges you may bump up against to reach your potential. 

Your soul purpose potential is generally more mundane and ordinary than you might expect. It relates to what you are here to learn and expand and your soul is not particular about the way in which you experience this.

Your life purpose potential on the other hand, relates more to your personality in this lifetime – it may include your career, but not always, and is generally more about the talents and attributes you bring to BE your authentic self and fulfil your soul purpose.

When you know who you are and why you are here, it places your life experiences in a context and supports you to understand what you are here to be and to do.  Your life becomes more meaningful, increasing vibrant living, creating vital life-force energy and maximising spiritual, mental and physical health.


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Each Human Design reading includes your personal chart, general information explaining the chart, and a 1 hour recorded reading either in person or via Zoom.