You are the most important person in your life and when you feel balanced and healthy you have more energy to live a vibrant, happy and fulfilled life.
Empowered Heart Therapies offers a range of professional services that provide safe, effective and gentle solutions specifically tailored to your needs. Cynthia Helbig established Empowered Heart to offer a holistic and natural approach for improved health and wellbeing.
Bowen Therapy is a holistic, dynamic bodywork technique using precise rolling, soft tissue movements to muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves. It is gentle, suitable for all ages, and can be beneficial for chronic or acute pain, stress release, relaxation, or to maintain wellbeing.
Meditation is a powerful self-care tool available to all. The simple act of focussing attention on the present moment is profoundly transformational. Relaxation, stress release, energy, rejuvenation and inspiration all come with regular meditation.
Holistic Counselling is a gentle and compassionate form of counselling. Rather than just treating a set of symptoms, a variety of tools are used to support self-healing and self-awareness. It assists with releasing anxiety, grief, and creating a healthier mental and emotional outlook.
Energy is life flow, life is movement and when movement of energy is disturbed it results in blocks that affect health and wellbeing and prevents achievement of full potential. Energy balancing is a body/mind/spirit holistic approach and encourages self-healing.
A Human Design reading creates awareness of soul purpose and life purpose themes, including unique talents and gifts. When you know who you are and why you are here, it places your life experiences in context and supports you to understand what you are here to be and to do.
“I appreciate your time and intuitive reading. It really resonated and I now have a better understanding of myself. Thanks Cynthia.”
-Hang V
“You are absolutely an amazing, caring healing facilitator, with such a beautiful energy and you always give 100% plus in your healing work.”
-Liz P.